ADE – Amsterdam Dance Event
Wednesday 19 to Sunday 23Â October 2016
Since Wednesday, Amsterdam is swarmed with people wearing black. Amsterdam Dance Event must be on… 😉 The Netherlands is known for its leading position in electronic music – Tiesto, Armin van Buuren, Martin Garrix, to name just a few – so it is no surprise that the biggest electronic music event in the world is held in Amsterdam. ADE is not just about clubbing and playing music. The festival offers a truckload of events and activities, such as art, talks, workshops, and yes: concerts and club nights. Each year, ADE attracts over 4,500 conference and 350,000 festival visitors from over 75 countries. If you love electronic music in any form: you should be in Amsterdam this weekend!
View the festival programme of the Amsterdam Dance Event
Origin Chocolate Event in Tropen Museum
Saturday 22Â October 2016
For anyone who still needs to be convinced to go to a chocolate event: “The Origin Chocolate Event offers a range of different activities. For anyone who loves real chocolate it is an absolute must; special presentations, meetings, debates and of course tastings of culinary delights made by top patissiers and chocolatiers. Experience origine chocolate with wine, beer, rum and other food combinations and learn everything you ever wanted to know about origin chocolate.” – this paragraph from their website says it all. We are convinced!
Read more on the website of Origin Chocolate
#SafePassage by Ai Weiwei in Foam
Friday 16 September to Wednesday 7 December 2016
The Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei is known for his art to have a political and/or social awareness message. The exhibition #SafePassage in Foam shows the contrast between individual stories and the overruling systems of society. The exhibition not only consists of photos, but also presents marble sculptures and videos. His photos create an immense collage of individual stories, that makes clear that this is “the biggest, most shameful humanitarian crisis since World War II” – as Ai Weiwei words it himself.
Read more information on the website of FOAM
Opening The Storage Room at De Culinaire Werkplaats
Thursday 20 October 2016 – permanent
De Culinaire Werkplaats is unlike any other place you’ve been. Calling it a restaurant would sell them short, majorly. Here you go for a (vegetarian) eating experience. Since this Thursday they have opened a space next door, which serves as an inspiration exhibition space. Referring back to their first theme, when opening De Culinaire Werkplaats, their first exhibition is called Beyond Black. In various ways you will explore ‘black matters‘ and you will see and experience that black is actually very colourful. The space isn’t that big, but the installations are presented in a very playful and surprisingly inspiring way. See, smell and taste what the colour black means to you…
Read more about The Storage Room on the website of De Culinaire Werkplaats and check our recommendation for De Culinaire Werkplaats
- Pride Photo Award – 10 September – 26 October 2016
- Black Amsterdam in Amsterdam Museum – 7 October – 13 November 2016
- Shores Like You – Scarlett Hooft Graafland in Huis Marseille – 10 September – 4 December 2016
- Energetica – 22 April 2016 – 1 January 2017
- 2016: Year of the Amsterdam School – The whole year
- Food in War Time in the Dutch Resistance Museum – 15 October 2016 – 28 May 2017
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