Open Monuments Days & UNESCO World Heritage Weekend
10 & 11 September 2016
The theme of Open Monumentendag (Open Monuments Days) this year is “water”; how appropriate for our flat, wet country. Dutch history and experience with water goes back many centuries. Numerous monuments (in the whole country in fact) will be open to the public. Next to that there will be numerous of activities at world heritage sites around the theme. Amsterdam has more than 60 participating monuments (NL). Some are always open to the public, but some treasures are only open to the public for a limited period of time; some only this weekend. It will be a glorious, sunny weekend to explore all the historic buildings of Amsterdam (and surrounding areas) and learn more about them.
Read more on the website of Open Monumentendagen & on the website of Wereld Erfgoed in Nederland
Pride Photo Award
10 September to 26 October 2016
The World Press Photo has just left the country, making space for other, smaller photo award exhibitions. The Pride Photo Award gains in popularity year after year. Still a small exhibition in the Oude Kerk (Old Church), but mention worthy. Okay, we might be a bit biased, but we like the way the exhibitions expands your view on who we are as people and/or how we perceive other people. It is only human to label things and each other, but do we always give the right label? And what is the right label anyway; IS there a right label, or is it fluid? If you look at it this way, the Pride Photo Award exhibition is more than just an exhibition for the LGBTQI community.
Read more on the website of Pride Photo Award
Magneet Festival
9 to 11 September 2016
We have to be honest here and say that we’ve never been to a Magneet Festival (Magnet Festival). That it made it to the weekend calendar is that we like the concept: “Magneet Festival is the place for creative free spirits in Amsterdam. Everybody with a creative initiative is welcome to pitch their idea to the internet platform. If this idea is popular and possible, Magneet Festival co-creates and facilitates. This makes Magneet Festival the first crowdsourced festival of its kind in Europe.” (text from their website). The festival is not necessarily sustainable, but there are some caterers offering organic food. But as said, it is mainly the social context of co-creation and stimulating people to come up with fun and great ideas, that caught our attention. Let us know if you’ve ever been and how you liked it!
Read more on the website of Magneet Festival
Shores Like You – Scarlett Hooft Graafland in Huis Marseille
10 September to 4 December 2016
More and more, Huis Marseille photography museum is becoming one of our favourites. The very popular exhibition of Stephen Shore, just finished and the next promising exhibition is ready to start: Shores Like You by Scarlett Hooft Graafland. With this exhibition she explores the issues around global migration. With beautiful images, Scarlett draws your attention, as viewer, to the hardships migrants and refugees are facing. Obviously we have not seen the exhibition yet – as it opens this weekend – but the first images that have been released do make us want to go.
- Vondelpark Openluchttheater – 2 May – 25 September 2016
- On the Verge of Insanity in Van Gogh Museum – 15 July – 25 September 2016
- Marten en Oopjen reunited in Rijksmuseum – 2 July – 2 October 2016
- Energetica – 22 April 2016 – 1 January 2017
- 2016: Year of the Amsterdam School – The whole year
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